Friday, May 1, 2009

Why We Invade

Charles Krauthammer on torture:
Did it work? The current evidence is fairly compelling. George Tenet said that the "enhanced interrogation" program alone yielded more information than everything gotten from "the FBI, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency put together."
Indeed, that is why the wisdom of invading Iraq is unquestioned.


  1. In other news, a typically full-o-sh!t right wing psychopath approvingly quoted a renowned liar to defend the indefensible.

  2. On that note, it's back to the horrible place.

    Snag has it ez, I tell ya!

  3. Good luck!

    Consider xtranormal for loan narratives.

  4. K-Lo says Krauthammer fills her with awe. A danish fills K-Lo will awe, I'll bet.

    It's so much fun when Christians advocate torture. I can see Jesus letting Krauthammer into heaven just so he can bitch-slap him for a few centuries.

  5. About three years ago, I saw Krauthammer flip out in synagogue on Yom Kippur. The rabbi had offered some timid endorsement of peace — peace essentially on Israel's terms — but peace anyway. Krauthammer went nuts. He actually started bellowing at the rabbi, from his wheel chair in the aisle. People tried to "shush" him. It was, after all, the holiest day of the year. But Krauthammer kept howling until the rabbi apologized. The man is as arrogant as he is thuggish. Who screams at the rabbi at services? For advocating peace?

  6. The CIA memos and an interrogator actually involved say differently from the pointy-haired boss in DC who's more interested in covering his ass than the truth, but Krauthammer wouldn't care if it came down to a knock-off discount Miss Cleo as long as he can dredge up SOMEBODY to support his sorry-assed argument.

    I could learn to love this Bitch-Slapping Jesus.

  7. herr doktor bimlerMay 1, 2009 at 4:58 PM

    The current evidence is fairly compelling.

    Fortunately, not everyone shares Dr Krauthammer's compulsions.

  8. It is pretty obvious that the U.S. should be out torturing the bejesus out of most people. Particularly those described by a better poster than I, as "swarthily dangerous".
    Because one never knows who has got the sekrit information that will lead you to the terrorist mastermind tick, tick, tick.

  9. Dan Froomkin has sliced and diced Krauthammer pretty well, link at Glenn Greenwald.

  10. Hard to believe Krauthammer worked for Mondale.

  11. According to Wikipedia According to Hendrik Herzberg, a former colleague of Krauthammer's at The New Republic during the 1980s, his views have changed significantly over time and I believe he has spouted the old slur about being mugged by reality.
    His psychiatry work seems to have been really good, quoted and lauded. Perhaps the Strangelovian aspects of it all were just too persuasive.
    Then again, people go nuts as they get older quite frequently.

  12. George Tenet, still earning that Presidential Medal of Freedom, given by George W. Bush.

  13. Presidential Medal of Unpersonhood.

  14. Freedom from conscience?


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