Friday, May 29, 2009

Time to Waste Time

Look at this. Or if that doesn't work, check out some examples at this gallery.

You can make fun stuff with this.

Kick Click the baby:

Baby killed.


  1. Maybe. If you download the program and start fiddling with it you'll see the examples - though fulla code - are awfully compact.

  2. Here's the thing:

    Whether I open that link in Mozilla or in IE, I don't see anything dropping.

    Perhaps it's because I'm running a notoriously cr@ppy, antiquated Windoze operating system?

  3. Windows shouldn't be the issue, but maybe I should change the link to a project gallery.

    Captcha: ismase.

  4. Well, that's that, then.

    I'll not get anything productive done today. I'll look up in a little while and it will be dark and I'll be hungry and nothing will have gotten done except I'll have created something cool and pointless.

    Thanks RB! You're the best!

    mikey Filthy ducre

  5. herr doktor bimlerMay 30, 2009 at 2:54 PM

    I think I broke it. Never mind; I'll blame it on the cats.
    This is why we can't have nice things.

  6. It almost sounds as if Herr Doktor is casting aspersions on our collective things.

    I'm going to proceed in blissful ignorance, assuming that at least some of our things are nice...


  7. The good Herr Doktor means New Zealand in general. We are generally surrounded by not nice things. Much as I do love Wetas, they are not really nice.

  8. I suppose I understand that. Here in SiliValley, the most dangerous inhabitants are armed children with a very temporary lack o'crack and a desire to get even with people who are not them.

    But even should they bring us to an untimely end, that isn't to say that we would go gently into that good night with crappy things...


  9. Nothing wrong w/ my thing(s). Not that I have many.

  10. I used to work with these wetas. I miss those little guys.

  11. Hear the lonesome weta wail
    He sounds too blue to fly
    The midnight train is whining low
    I'm so lonesome I could cry

  12. herr doktor bimlerMay 31, 2009 at 4:53 AM

    In fact, rather than wail, they stridulate.
    Imagine my gratitude for the opportunity to use that word.
    I am also grateful to Capcha for the opportunity to use the word 'tratilly'.

  13. Senorita
    saw a weta
    and got quite a scare;
    in shoe, in boot,
    in bathing suit,
    even underwear!

  14. herr doktor bimlerMay 31, 2009 at 1:24 PM

    Much as I do love Wetas, they are not really nice.

    Steamed. WIth garlic butter. What?

  15. herr doktor bimlerMay 31, 2009 at 4:20 PM

    To go even further off-track, my brother informs me that he has become 1/3 of a French cooking blog. The phrase "Can't be arsed" appears regularly.

  16. My guess is that "Trevor" is the brother. Same Bimmler attitude, and a penchant for alcohol.

    I already bookmarked the thai noodles and cold pork salad. That's a win right there, oh my oh yes...

  17. I'm irritated with the Dodgers. I'm irritated with the Cavaliers. I'm irritated with having to pretend I give a shit for a week before I can leave on vacation. I'm irritated with alanis morrisette - what, a couple of records in the nineties is all you got? I'm irritated that my friend dingus got laid off. I'm irritated that he doesn't get the genius of Gaslight Anthem. I'm irritated that my girlfriend's husband doesn't approve of her relationship with me. I'm irritated that everything I have either hurts or is failing. I'm irritated that the world is stupid, that Americans are sheep and journalism has become some kind of sick joke sans punchline. I'm irritated that barack obama turns out to be nothing more than a polititician.

    I'm just fucking irritated. I'd like to put Weta's in their trousers...


    And now it's fucking monsin season?

  18. Ah,
    A weta is
    with feta.

    Capcha asks "Will the real silshedi stand up?"

    It's like there's a huge wave of pus coming down on us and all we got is some life jacket from K-Mart.

  19. Waiter! There's a weta in my water!

  20. herr doktor bimlerJune 1, 2009 at 11:02 PM

    A weta is better
    In salad, with feta
    And olives and capers and greens
    For food in a hurry
    I whip up a curry
    Of road-kill and raw pinto beans.

  21. The Yellowtail example in Processing is mesmerizing.


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