Monday, April 6, 2009

There Are Spokesmen and There Are Spokesmen

From forked tongue in comments at The Poor Man Institute:

Thanks to Bimler, something better:


  1. herr doktor bimlerApril 6, 2009 at 1:29 PM

    So long as they do not try to co-opt the Sensational Alex Harvey Band, with 'Boston Tea Party'.

  2. Somethings worser (from his YouTube channel):

    "Ronnie Stayed the Same," "Sarah Smile," and "Can't Afford the Sunshine."

    Marcus is from Deltona, FL, home of Twiggy the Water Skiing Squirrel.

  3. Twiggy has been performing for twenty-seven years

    I sense another zombie outbreak.

  4. Wikipedia says Twiggy " is actually several gray squirrels who have been trained in succession (the first was killed after trying to paw bread from a toaster)." Wikipedia does not have an entry for Lloyd Marcus.

  5. In the future, industrial robots will fetch our toast for us and end the ongoing squirrel holocaust.

  6. herr doktor bimlerApril 6, 2009 at 2:25 PM

    Twiggy "is actually several gray squirrels..."
    Understanding you to mean Twiggy Lawson teh model, I was imagining a number of grey squirrels standing on one another's shoulders inside a pink tube of skin, as the first stage in their plan to popularise anorexia among the human population and bring down our civilisation.

    There's this...
    Even Youtube is linking these crap videos with the SAHB in their 'related videos' side-bar.

    Captcha-word is calling my attention to 'Conar', the early-warning barbarian-detection system.

  7. I was imagining a number of grey squirrels standing on one another's shoulders inside a pink tube of skin

    I'm not good at cries for help. What do I do here? Send money to zombies?

  8. herr doktor bimlerApril 6, 2009 at 3:55 PM

    Don't get me wrong, I wasn't imagining it in a paraphiliac sexual-fantasy sense, not much anyway.

  9. Squishier animals'd make Twiggy feel a little less bony... Slug Twiggy?

  10. sending money to zombies is always a good option.

  11. "One must beware the zombied interests."

    —Benjamin Franklin


  12. SAHB -'Next'. Seminal part of modern culture.

    Palin /Twiggy the Squirrel in 2012.
    but don't tellMike Huckabee

  13. IFTDGY and RB both come up with the same joke; that' spretty funny.

    ...say, has anybody ever seen them together? It's suspicious, is all I'm sayin.

  14. Thunder has more "get ya" and I have more "gotten".


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