Friday, April 24, 2009

Joke About Comedy Writer, Anemia, Irony

Burt attends a Tea Party:
The 3,000 people who showed up at the Van Nuys Civic Center


  1. What the hell is Perlansky's problem with AmeriCorps? Right in there with Hamas, he lumps them.

  2. Further up:

    If you believe the creeps in the MSM -- and why would you? -- we were all dues-paying members of political fringe groups, and none of us would think about leaving the house without first donning our little aluminum hats.

  3. Prelutsky says what the Tea Parties really needed was even less focus. The Fourth of July is just around the corner, but there's time enough to make sure the message is even more disparate next time around.

  4. Yeah, the Old Men Yelling At Clouds Parties.

  5. Wikipedia to the rescue with word that AmeriCorps is a target of wingnut opprobrium (opprobrium?) because of something about ACORN and leather chairs. All righty then.

  6. Well, I understand Republican objections to literacy...

  7. Wonder how Ole Bert would have got on with the Gay Patriot teabaggers Yikes! Teh Gays were there and Burp had his tennis shorts on!!!!

  8. I think Burt's cool with homosexuals who don't want rights and so forth.

  9. herr doktor bimlerApril 24, 2009 at 3:10 PM

    No comment, except that Capcha word is 'untie', which is exactly what I've been asking the Frau Doktorin for the last two hours.

    Latest medical research -- Tea parties may not cause irony deficiency after all.

  10. The second was the one Lewis Carroll wrote about, a madcap affair with the March Hare, the mad Hatter and the narcoleptic Dormouse, ganging up to give Alice a hard time.Burt tries his hand at pr0n.

  11. Y'know, I had the same thought but I didn't want to out myself as some kind of depraved hentai maniac.


  12. herr doktor bimlerApril 24, 2009 at 6:53 PM

    Have Righteous Bubba and John Derbyshire ever appeared in public together?

  13. herr doktor bimlerApril 24, 2009 at 9:21 PM

    "This type of fursuit works well for characters who only wear a shirt without pants or just a pair of pants without a shirt."

    I am indeed, appalled.

  14. herr doktor bimlerApril 24, 2009 at 9:24 PM

    Costumes can include makeup and reflect the wearer's personalityThis is why I attend furry conventions dressed as roadkill.

  15. I attend furry conventions in the skin of a hirsute man.

  16. I attend furry conventions in a spirit of self discovery.

  17. I attend furry conventions for the hot chickens.

  18. I attend medieval-reenactment conventions dressed as a bull with inward-pointing horns and the ability to shoot out flaming dung. When people complain, I assume an expression of injured perplexity. "I thought this was the BonnaCon!"


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