Friday, April 10, 2009


Brent Bozell does not like Seth MacFarlane.

How strong is his condemnation? Let count the number of times he condemns the network airing Seth MacFarlane's work by courageously spelling out their initials:
Now it's ABC's "Nightline" paying homage to "Family Guy," and in the process telling us a lot more about "Nightline" than about this stupid show.
But to ABC, this was a heartwarming story of a Connecticut boy who grew rich by never maturing past the seventh grade.
The reporter for this segment, titled "Seriously Funny," was ABC's Bill Weir, last seen goofily hailing Barack Obama's inauguration as a day when "even the seagulls must have been awed."
This is where ABC tossed aside any semblance of fairness in favor of a one-sided puff piece.
Apparently, there is a line, at least when you're interviewed by ABC News: Don't insult the Kennedys.
As for anything else, in ABC's eyes, it's "comedic genius."
Instead, ABC allowed MacFarlane to make an unrebutted argument that the censors are arbitrary and ridiculous.
Just like Coke, ABC is defining MacFarlane's deviancy down, welcoming his radioactive TV waste into the "mainstream."

Oops, silly me, Seth MacFarlane's work airs on Fox. Let's count these surely equally angry condemnations once more:
Fox's "Comedic Genius"
Our cosmopolitan elites have embraced the smutty Fox cartoon "Family Guy."
MacFarlane reportedly signed a $100-million contract with Fox and is now working on a third cesspool of a cartoon series.


  1. I foresee a lot of Dr. Zaius guest spots coming up on FG.

    word captcha: panizede, which is a panicked stampede, as of wingnuts.

    Or a whole lot of Lileks.

  2. A Twitter of Lileks.

    That is absurdly right.

  3. Don't let Mendacious steal that without credit.

    Or at least chipping in some branes.

  4. I was just wondering what teh zombie community is doing in cahoots, yes I think cahoots is not too strong a word, with George Soros!!!
    George Soros warns 'zombie' banks could suck lifeblood out of economy
    Yes this is a repost, about which, it would be wrong to speculate.

  5. Everybody knows it's the vampire banks that suck the blood out of the economy.

    The zombie banks just want economy's branes.

  6. I tried to open an account at the zombie bank but the service was too goddamned slow. The teller staggered over to grunt at the manager, staggered back, and by that point she'd lost an important keyboard finger.

    It's called CURRENCY, zombies!

  7. you gotta go to the "28 days later" zombie bank, RB. Those guys are faster; they'll eat your spleen while you're endorsing your check....

  8. Trying to atone for distracting the thread, Maybe Bozell uses ABC so frequently because, you know, he just learnt the right order. Next week he's moving on to DEF.

    Capcha is telling me of gongess.

  9. The gongesses signal discontent with the juggling act.


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