Thursday, March 12, 2009


Republicans say President Obama is spreading himself too thinly on popular initiatives, while Americans suffer under the burden of a collapsing economy.
Bring forth the unpopular initiatives:

1. Doughnut tax.
2. Ear-splitting Tuesdays.
3. Newspaper taxis made of real ham.
4. The French Are Better Than Us Day.
5. Mandatory attendance at the George W. Bush "Why I Was A Good President" Lectures


  1. Come on, Ear-splitting Tuesdays happen whenever I get to run the stereo...

  2. 4. The French Are Better Than Us Day.

    Do they need product testers? Can't have anyone making blanket statements without some sort of vetting, now, can we?

  3. Right back atcha, Bub:

  4. "Hello, I'm Burt Prelutsky and on Burt Prelutsky day I'm going to read non-stop through my book "Conservatives are from Mars, Liberals are Satan's vomit"
    Now I got the idea for this book when I was on the set of TV series MASH. A godless hymn to anti-war evil but it paid well. Anywaay...

  5. herr doktor bimlerMarch 13, 2009 at 1:14 AM

    See, I like The Frogs.

    Here I was, thinking "Why the feck is RB talking about Aristophanes?", but all is clear now.
    According to Mky, "Sever the spinal cord, was what the Red Queen said", but I can't hear that in the original or in this cover version.

    Do they need product testers?
    My brother lives in France. I visit France. Sometimes I visit the US. Comparisons are invidious, as they say, and probably unsafe for my health.

  6. Severing the spinal chord is always a possibility when the Frogs play.

    But Bubba is trying to kill us all with those videos.

  7. herr doktor bimlerMarch 13, 2009 at 8:47 PM

    I would like to play a spinal chord. Can someone refer me to details?

  8. Spinal cords are played in the key of E, I think.


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