Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Need a New Name

I'm tired of this one. A long time ago there was a Rename Retardo thread at Sadly, No! and I contributed these:

Mr. October
Awlay Rofessorpay
Homo Irockita
Habeas Dorkus
William Redquist
AJP Gaylord
Axis of Weevils
Substance McGravitas
Serious O’Thoughtful
Major General Respectable Van Yesiagree
History’s Greatest Munster
A Boy Named Francine
Cookies for Everyone!
I Like Pie!
Harcourt Brace
Chuck U. Farley
Iron Fistula
Red and Expert
The Man from Nantucket
John Q. Pubic
The Sound and the Furry
Corinthian Leatherneck
The Great White “HELP!”
Land of 1000 Dunces
The Puffington Host

I haven't even touched the JanusNode yet...but I kind of like Serious O'Thoughtful.


  1. Rex Kickass

  2. That well describes my menacing 6'10" of rippling muscle but I do not want to frighten the timid.

  3. Good, because I think I've almost convinced the missus to name our upcoming baby boy it.

  4. But I like Righteous Bubba!

    OWA Giveaway?

    Also, my captcha text is "expuds." Just sayin'.

  5. You know Mendacious D is really good...hmmm...

  6. I've always liked Aerogenes (air- roge-a-knees)for a name especially if the first name is Klebsiella.
    you can read about it here http://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Klebsiella.
    Baitfister Mendle is another good one. Tubepants McSmiley.

  7. Well my captcha text is "prudis", so feel free to call yourself "Expuds Prudis".
    Speaking of captcha text, if only I had a small primate for a pet, I would be able to call it "Aye-Aye Capt'n".

  8. I remember Substance McGravitas well, I'm pretty sure that's the one I voted for.

    Anyways, Righteous Blarta seems to be working out.

  9. I was sort of wishing that I'd done Substance O'Gravitas because it makes me think of gravy. I like gravy.

  10. You know Mendacious D is really good...hmmm...

    Wait, you know one of my exes?

    I suppose the name could be made available. For a nominal fee, of course.

  11. We should just trade blogs and fuck everyone up. My password's, uh, TRUEPASSWORDYESSIRREE. What's yours?

  12. http://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Klebsiella.
    Bloody oath. All this time I thought 'klebsiella' was the name of the European sausage I was buying, when in fact it was a description of the major contaminant.

  13. Trade blogs? Do you really want to take it a step down?

  14. Confuseius
    Shat in the hat
    Quelle fromage
    Rank and defile
    Sushi and the Banshees
    Liz Cheney

  15. I love Substance McGravitas; it sounds like you have ample fundaments.

  16. mmmmm Ample Fundaments is a good name by itself

  17. All this time I thought 'klebsiella' was the name of the European sausage I was buying, when in fact it was a description of the major contaminant.

    Don't leave 'em on the tree too long and they're fine.

  18. I bet the stimulus package doesn't include those either.

  19. Substance McGravitas is my pick too but whatever you pick should be appended with History's Greatest Munster. e.g. Substance McGravitas, History's Greatest Munster.

  20. Yes the byline must fit the name
    eg: Tremble McLaetes
    Quality Jellied eels 24/7

  21. Substance McGravitas, History's Greatest Munster.

    Since I have no will of my own I was thinking of going with Substance McGravitas but as a tagline I was thinking THE POWER OF REASON UNCHENEYED with maybe Prometheus busting himself offa that rock and biting the heads off the liver-eating birds in front of cheering babes and explosions.

    Or something.

  22. The power of reason brings forth Munsters.
    Unless I am thinking of the Powers of Austin.

  23. Substance McGravitas: The Art of the Poopable

  24. Y'know, as the man who brought "Fukbum" to a starving nation, you really should adopt that as at least part of your name.

    Let's see. With the fallout from the presidential election, we need something that provides you with a racial identity in this post-racial society.

    I've GOT it!!

    Alibaster Fukbum, esq.


  25. That does sound tastier than regular Fuckbum.

  26. I thought you'd go with "the Goatse Herder


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