Monday, February 23, 2009

I Agree that Burt Prelutsky is Old

The staff do not allow Mr. Prelutsky to see movies:
In fact, the last time I recall a movie about a professor that any normal person would wish to spend time with was the 1948 release, “Apartment for Peggy,” and even in that one, Edmund Gwenn spent most of his time planning to commit suicide.
That's embarrassing enough, but here:
Feeling, as I do, that most professors, aside from those teaching science or math, are over-paid, under-worked, left-wing narcissists infatuated with the sound of their own voices, it makes perfect sense that it would be nearly impossible to make a movie about them that wasn’t a slapstick comedy.
And there we have it. Because I can't remember stuff, THOSE GUYS SUCK!

Sleep soundly:


  1. you know, I saw his frickin name on the credits of a MASH clip show the other night.

    so that much is apparently true. Huh.

    Doesn't mean he's not going Full Abe Simpson though.

  2. I too expect to go full Abe Simpson. I do not believe that I'll be paid for it.

  3. I find I cannot rate for Burt, no matter how hard I try.

  4. I find that I cannot rate for Burp. He has with the growly old man look and notwithstanding the "Who said that?" eyes to the not there people.

  5. The thing is, though, that he's not that old, as old goes these days. He was born in 1940, if I remember his IMDb profile correctly. So he would have been all of eight when that movie was released.

    My guess is that he didn't get laid in high school and this is how he exacts revenge on the world.

  6. Bubba, I've seen a few of your links.

    I am NOT clicking that video. Nope. Not gonna do it. I have been hurt enough....

  7. I was thinking of making Burt sing Creed but he's just not animated enough to make it funny. Crowder at least had the rubbery face.

  8. The thing is, though, that he's not that old, as old goes these days.

    Come on Simba, you're as old as you think you are!

  9. The thing is, though, that he's not that old, as old goes these days.

    I read old here as a state of mind, as in crotchety old man. For example, who's older: John McCain or John McCain's mom? I say John McCain.

  10. Blogger zombie rotten mcdonald said...
    Bubba, I've seen a few of your links.

    Goddamnit, I should have pursued a Prelutsky/zombie angle.

    No offense of course.

  11. yeah, Burt was hoping for zombification, but no zombie would eat his brains.


  12. I made it 7 seconds. At that point I said to myself, "yep, Burt Prelutsky sounds exactly like I thought he would." Perhaps as I lay dying I will return to the video to prolong my last minutes, or at least make them seem longer.

  13. And I just noticed the creepy little animation upper right. You are an evil, evil man.

  14. Don't let him catch you doing anything! HE WILL COMPLAIN.

  15. The nurse said it was okay and you're not the boss of us.

  16. wait, there's nurses?

    I didn't know this was THAT kind of place.

  17. Wait, ZRM was watching MASH the other night?

    Must. stop. laughing.

  18. Hey! AG called me ZRM!!!

    She's coming around, she is. Soon she'll be eating chili dogs and banning me.

  19. Well, he pressed a reed stylus into wet clay, at least.

  20. I do not rate for the winking of the Burp

  21. Rate, rate against the winking of the burp.

  22. Denise Schmandt-BesseratFebruary 24, 2009 at 9:08 PM

    Well, he pressed a clay token into wet clay, at least.
    Get it right!

  23. I am interested in your ideas on the origin of cunting.

  24. Damn kids. Get the hell off my lawn.

    I have this plan to establish a lobby group purporting to represent the interests of lawn owners. Though in fact it will be funded by the manufacturers of artificial grass substitutes, and will promote the interests thereof. Trouble is, I can't think of a suitable name. I am open to suggestions.

  25. Heck, Professor, I expected somebody to go for ochre-grinding and horse-on-wall painting or even bone-notching.

  26. Red-ochre haus-on-wall painting is too contemporary.

  27. Wow. CHECKS MY HTML and insists that I close tags before accepting the comment.
    Someone should tell S,N!.

  28. That picture makes it dance, my central nervous system.

  29. Fütter mein Ego!

  30. You know Dasher, and Dancer, and
    Prancer, and Vixen,
    Einheit, and Unruh, and
    Hacke and Blixa...

  31. Einheit, and Unruh, and
    Hacke and Blixa...

    We the People demand an entire "Night B4 Christmas" parody along these lines.

  32. ...

    With a greenish-skinned singer, so small and junk-sick,
    I knew in a moment it must be Strip Nick...


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