Friday, February 20, 2009

A First

Used at LGM:

"I hear the streets are paved with pork."

Republicans: behind the curve.


  1. Now that is something to get the old typewritter out for.

    P.S. LGM suck! There little anti-Israel ad makes me mad.

  2. ... and they wouldn't like AG when she's mad.

  3. P.S. LGM suck! There little anti-Israel ad makes me mad.

    I use an ad-blocker so I dunno what the ad is or if it's been automated on to their site. My bet is, though, that I'm a little more of a dick about Israel than they are, given that Rob Farley actually travels to Israel for what I think are professional and vacation purposes, something I'd feel kinda bad about doing.

    I think that makes me a hypocrite because the two trips I've blogged about here were to Ukraine and Egypt, neither place short on Jew-haters. I believe I have noted that I am awful, but I may need to recalibrate my queasiness somewhat.

    In any case, you're from Philadelphia, which means I like you until you pull a gun on me.

  4. I got your pork paving right here!

  5. I am not anonymous! I am a free number!
    According to the Captcha word, I am 'hogan'.

  6. According to De Morgen, a private security firm has been employed to keep an around-the-clock watch on Fabre's creation.

    The meat beat.

  7. The elite meat beat.

  8. "Good art must stink a bit," Fabre told Belgian daily newspaper De Morgen.


    Flatfeet* on the elite meat beat.

    *The online dictionary informs me the actual plurals is "flatfoots", alas.


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