Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"I said, 'Good morning, welcome to the Crystal Cathedral.' " She asked the man, "Where are you from?" He replied, "Oh, from around here." He handed Spicer a folded note written in Magic marker. Tucked into the middle of the note was his driver's license and what appeared to be a business card. As he was walking down the aisle, she began reading the note, which referred to a truck in the parking lot and a gun.

"The next minute, there was a pop," Spicer said. "I thought he was praying. I didn't realize he had shot himself."

Yvette Manson, a volunteer usher, said she was talking to the tourists when she heard a shot that she likened to a firecracker. "I had just been telling them about the suicide prevention ministry we have."


  1. It's the "just got borned" noise, a direct result of eating up a kernel of knowledge.

  2. How does praying sound like a pop?

    SOMEzombie's never been around kneeling old folks, has he?

  3. I resemble that remark, tigris.

    plus: the verification word is 'braine'

    Blogger is getting squirrely.

  4. How does praying sound like a poop?
    Well what does praying sound like? Around here it makes a vulgar farty noise, on account of all the whoopee cushions placed in strategic places by godless heathens.

    Captcha word = "fectum". No way am I going to look that up.

  5. "IT fifth grade", RB?

    You DO KNOW I am a grammar and spelling zombie, don't you?

  6. What comment where? I DO NOT SEE ONE.

    In any case, I had a friend in fifth grade whose knees crackled like a fire when he did exercises. It was fun.

  7. Probably involves time travel or something.

  8. We wioll have been havening our eye on you.

  9. Please let me know where I am going to lose my keys.

  10. If it was the key of E, it belonged to the people anyway.

  11. Woke up this mornin'
    Yes I woke up this mornin'
    And my keys have done gone away
    Keys done gone and left me,
    Except if this is yesterday and my keys are lost in the damn future, anyway

  12. When the moon disappears forever
    And the sun shines electric blue
    And the mountains and trees tumble into the sea
    To rest there for eternity
    No matter what you do
    I will still blame you

  13. Probable-Possible, my black hen,
    Stole my keys in the Relative When.
    She can't bring them back to the Positive Now
    Because she's unable to postulate how.

  14. There once was a lady named Bright
    Who travelled much faster than light
    She set out one day
    In a relative way
    And was eaten by Morlocks.

  15. Quite oft upon my couch I lie,
    Giving vacant and or pensive sighs.
    Because my keys have gone from eye.
    An email comes from late next week
    Typed by a hen, using her beak
    The keys are inside a Jurassic beast
    Last seen in Montana, kind of east.


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