Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm trying to figure out what the worst part in this. (Easy answer: the part when the music starts.) Manowar was once absolutely hilarious but this is so devoid of worth that it's acquired hypnotic power in its pursuit of cliché. It makes me think of David Lynch. Or Bob Hope. Or Neil Hamburger. Something like that.


Forgive me for not noticing earlier but Manowar's fans are Immortals, and thus cannot die for metal even if they really really pretty-please-with-sugar-on-top want to. Sorry.


  1. Damn, the last time I got fired all I got was a coffee plunger set. Not some badass dudes who put their fists in the air and called me brother.
    Crikey, it is subliminally bad, like even at microscopic levels.

  2. Brothers stand beside me, there’s a battle on
    Know my words are true
    There’s a battle for true metal
    They’re marching; they’re marching on
    me and you

    I've heard that Manowar fans were being rounded up. Or was it roundly ignored?

  3. Brothers stand beside me, there’s a battle on
    Know my words are true
    There’s a battle for true metal
    They’re marching; they’re marching on
    me and you

    That has to be against the Geneva convention. Or perhaps, more tellingly, a theme song for the Red State Stroke Force.

  4. At least we now can formulate affirmative action policies to help metalheads, the one and only truly victimized minority group.

  5. I believe we only have to help the true metalheads.


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