Wednesday, July 11, 2007

School of Hard Cock-Blocks

Why can't I be married?
Being married means you have a sentimental commitment, and at Zamorano we expect students to be focused on their studies. We do not want him/her to think about what is happening elsewhere, or about people who could be depending on him/her financially. In summary, his energy and responsibilities should be aimed at successfully completing his degree.

Just for fun:
The Pan-American Agricultural School, better known as Zamorano, was born of the inspiration and through the support of Mr. Samuel Zemurray, President of the United Fruit Company in the United States of America.

The Wikipedia on the UFC.

With regard to the title above the proprietors must acknowledge that blockage of the vaginal region may theoretically be assumed for women as well, however they, in their purity and innocence, do not like sex.

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